Schaff-Herzog Encylopedia of Religious Knowledge

Kabir: Hindu religious leader.  See INDIA, I., 3, § 3; SIKHS, SIKHISM
Kadesh.  See NEGEB
Kaehler, Carl Martin August
Kaehler, Ludwig August
Kaftan, Julius Wilhelm Martin
Kahnis, Karl Friedrich August
Kaïres (Kaïris), Theophilus
Kaiser, (Kaeser), Leonhard
Kaldi, György
Kalisch, (Moritz) Marcus
Kalkar, Christian Andreas Hermann
Kalteisen, Heinrich
Kam, Joseph
Kammin, Bishopric of
Kamphausen, Adolf Hermann Heinrich
Kant, Immanuel
Kantz, Kaspar
Kapff, Sixt Karl
Kappel, Peace of.  See ZWINGLI, HULDREICH
Karens.  See BURMA
Karg, Georg (Georgius Parsimonius)
Kartanos, Joannikios
Kasshites.  See BABYLONIA, VI., 5
Kassia (Kasia)
Katerkamp, Johann Theodor Hermann
Kattenbusch, Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand
Kaulen, Franz Philipp
Kautz, (Cucius), Jakob
Kautzsch, Emil Friedrich
Kawerau, Peter Gustav
Kaye, John
Kayser, August
Keach, Benjamin
Keane, John Joseph
Keator, Frederic William
Keble, John
Keckermann, Bartholomaeus
Kedney, John Steinfort
Kedron.  See KIDRON
Keene, James Bennett
Keener, John Christian
Keil, Karl August Gottlieb
Keil, Johann Friedrich Karl
Keim, Karl Theodor
Keimann, (Keymann), Christian
Keith, Alexander
Keith, George
Keith-Falconer, Honorable Ion Grant Neville
Keller (Cellarius), Andreas
Keller, Ludwig Karl
Kellner, Karl Adam Heinrich
Kells, Synod of
Kelly, Thomas
Kelly, William
Kelso, James Anderson
Kempis, Thomas À
Ken (Kenn), Thomas
Kendrick, Asahel Clark
Kendrick, John Mills
Kenites.  See CAIN
Kenizzites.  See CALEB
Kennedy, Archibald Robert Stirling
Kennett (Kennet), White
Kennicott, Benjamin
Kennion, George Wyndham
Kenrick, Francis Patrick
Kenrick, Peter Richard
Kent, Charles Foster
Kentigern, Saint
Kephart, Isaiah Lafayette
Keri and Kethibh
Kern, John Adam
Kessler, Johann (Johannes Chesselius, or Ahenarius)
Keswick Convention
Kethe, William.  See STERNHOLD, THOMAS
Kethubhim.  See CANON OF SCRIPTURE, I., 4, § 2
Ketteler, Wilhelm Emanuel, Baron von
Kettenbach, Heinrich von
Kettler, Gotthard
Kevin, Saint.  See CŒMGEN, SAINT
Key, Joseph Staunton
Keys, Power of the
Khlysty.  See RUSSIA, III., § 4
Kief, (Kiew, Kijew)
Kieran, Saint.  See CIARAN, SAINT
Kierkegaard, Sören Aaby
Kilham, Alexander
Killian, saint
Killen, William Dool
Kilwardby, Robert
Kimchi (Ḳimḥ)
King, Henry Churchill
King, John
King, Jonas
King, Thomas Starr
King, William
Kingdom, Brotherhood of the
Kingdom of God
Kingo, Thomas Hansen
Kings, Books of
Kingship in Israel
Kinship, Primitive.  See COMPARATIVE RELIGION, VI., 1, B, § 1
Kinsman, Frederick Joseph
Kinsolving, George Herbert
Kinsolving, Lucien Lee
Kip, William Ingraham
Kippis, Andrew
Kircher, Athanasius
Kirchhofer, Melchior
Kirchmeyer, Thomas (Nao-Georgus)
Kirk, Edward Norris
Kirk, Harris Elliott
Kirkland, John Thornton
Kirkland, Samuel
Kirkpatrick, Alexander FRancis
Kirkus, William
Kirn, Otto
Kirwan, Walter Blake
Kis, Stephanus
Kiss of Peace
Kist, Nicolaas Christian
Kitchin, George William
Kittel, Rudolf
Kitto, John
Klarenbach, Adolf
Klarer, Walter
Klaus, Brother.  See FLUE, NIKOLAUS VON (DER)
Kleinert, Hugo Wilhelm Paul
Kleuker, Johann Friedrich
Kliefoth, Theodor Friedrich Dethlof
Kling, Christian Friedrich
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Klostermann, August Heinrich
Klostermann, Erich
Knapp, Albert
Knapp, Georg Christian
Kneeland, Abner
Kneeling.  See WORSHIP
Kneeling Controversy in Bavaria
Kneucker, Johann Jakob
Knight, Albion Williamson
Knight, George thomson
Knight, William Allen
Knipperdolling (Knipperdollinck), Bernt
Knipstro, Johannes
Knobel, August Wilhelm
Knoepfler, Alois
Knoke, Karl
Knollys, Hanserd
Knopken, (Knop, Knoppe), Andreas, and the Reformation in Riga
Knowledge, Theological, Principle of
Knowledge, Theory of Religious.  See TRUTH, TRUTHFULNESS, I.
Knowling, Richard John
Know-Nothing Movement
Knox, Edmund Arbuthnott
Knox, George William
Knox, John
Knox-Little, William John
Knudtzon, Joergen Alexander
Koch, Anton
Koeberle, Justus Adolf
Koegel, Theodor Johannes Rudolf
Koehler, (Philipp) August
Koehler, Walter Erich
Koenig, Arthur
Koenig, Friedrich Eduard
Koenig, Samuel
Koestlin, Heinrich Adolf
Koestlin, Julius Theodor
Kohlbruegge, Hermann Friedrich
Kohler, Christian and Hieronymus
Kohler, Kaufmann
Kolb, Franz
Kolde, Theodor (Friedrich Hermann)
Kol Nidre
Komander, (Dorfmann), Johann
Koolhaas, Kaspar Janzoon
Kopp, Georg
Korah, Korahites
Koreshan Ecclesia, Koreshan Unity.  See COMMUNISM, II., 4
Kortholt, Christian
Kosters, Willem Hendrik
Kottwitz, Hans Ernst, Baron von
rabbe, Otto Karsten
Krafft, Adam
Krafft, Johann (Crato von Crafftheim)
Krafft, Johann Christian Gottlob Ludwig
Krafft, Karl Johann Friederich Wilhelm
Krafft, Wilhelm Ludwig
Kranich, Anton
Krantz, Albert
Krapf, Johann Ludwig
Kraus, Franz Xaver
Krauss, Samuel
Krauth, Charles Poterfield
Krawutzcky, Adam
Krell (Crell) Nikolaus
Krieg, Kornel
Kropatscheck, Friedrich
Krotel, Gottlob Frederick
Kruedener, Barbara Juliana von
Kreuger, Hermann Gustav Eduard
Kuebel, Robert
Kuechener, Hermann
Kuehl, Ernst Richard Theodor
Kuehnoel, (Kuinol, Kuinoelius), Christian Gottlieb
Kuenen, Abraham
Kuenstle, Karl
Kulturkampf.  See ULTRAMONTANISM
Kunze, Johannes Wilhelm
Kunze, John Christopher
Kurtz, Johann Heinrich
Kuyper, Abraham
Kydones, Demetrios
Kyrie Eleison.  See LITURGICS, III.