FEINE, fai'ne, PAUL: Lutheran; b. at Golmsdorf (5 m. n.e. of Jena) Sept. 9, 1859. He studied in Jena and Berlin and, after teaching in a gymnasium in the former city (1884-86), was private tutor in a noble family until 1889. Then until 1893 he taught in a gymnasium at Göttingen, and in 1893 became privat-docent in the university of the same city. In 1894 he was appointed professor of New Testament exegesis in the Evangelical theological faculty at Vienna and in 1907 accepted a call to Breslau. He has written Eine vorkanonische Ueberlieferung des Lukas im Evangelium und Apostelgeschichte (Gotha, 1891); Der Jakobusbrief (Eisenach, 1893); Das gesetzesfreie Evangelium des Paulus (Leipsic, 1898); Jesus Christus and Paulus (1902); Die Erneuerung des paulinischen Christentums durch Luther (1903); Der Römerbrief (Göttingen, 1903); Das Christentum Jesu and das Christentum der Apostel in ihrer Abgrenzung gegen die Religionsgeschichte (Stuttgart, 1904); and Paulus als Theologe (Berlin, 1906).