BECK, JOHANN TOBIAS: German theologian ; b. at Balingen (40 m. s.s.w. of Stuttgart), Württemberg, Feb. 22, 1804; d. at Tübingen Dec. 23, 1878. He studied at Tübingen 1822-26, was pastor at Waldthann and Mergentheim, went to Basel as extraordinary professor in 1836, and in 1843 to Tübingen, where he remained as professor and morning preacher till his death. He has been characterized as the most important representative of the strictly Biblical school of theology in the nineteenth century. He aimed to base all doctrine on the Bible, and allowed value to Church teachings only as interpretations of the Bible. He held an extreme view of revelation and inspiration, and hardly entered into critico-historical questions. His life was plain and simple, and his kind heart won general affection. He published, besides several collections of sermons, the following works: Einleitung in das System der christlichen Lehre (Stuttgart, 1838, 2d ed., 1870); Die Geburt des christlichen Lebens, sein Wesen und sein Gesetz (Easel, 1839); Die christliche Lehrwissenschaft nach den biblischen Urkunden, i, Logik (Stuttgart, 1841, 2d ed., 1875); Die christliche M enschenliebe, das Wort und die Gemeinde Christi (Basel, 1842); Umriss der biblischen Seelenlehre (Stuttgart, 1843, 3d ed.,1873; Eng. transl., Biblical Psychology, Edinburgh, 1877); Leitfaden der christlichen Glaubenslehre für Kirche, Schule und Haus (Stuttgart, 1862, 2d ed., 1869); Gedanken aus und nach der Schrift fur christliches Leben und geistliches Amt (Frankfort, 1859; .2d ed., 1878). After his death were published commentaries on the epistles to Timothy (Giitersloh, 1879) and the Romans (2 vola., 1884), and on Rev. i-xii (1883); Pastorallehren des Neuen Testaments (1880; Eng. transl., Pastoral Theology, Edinburgh, , 1882); Vorlesungen über christliche Ethik (3 vols., 1882-83) ; Briefe und Kernworte ( 1885) ; Vorlesungen über christliche Glaubenslehre (2 vols., 1886-87); Vollendung des Reiches Gottes ( 1887).