Abbreviations in common use or self-evident are not included here. For additional information concerning the works listed, see vol. i, pp. viii.-xx., and the appropriate articles in the body of the work.


ADB - Allgemeine. deutsche Biographie, Leipsic, 1875 sqq., vol. 53, 1907

Adv - adversus, "against "

AJP - American Journal of Philology, Baltimore, 1880 sqq.

AJT - American Journal of Theology, Chicago, 1897 sqq.

AKR - Archiv für katholiaches Kirchenrecht, Innsbruck, 1857-61, Mainz, 1872 sqq.

ALKG - Archiv für Litteratur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters, Freiburg, 1885 sqq.

Am - American

AMA - Abhandlungen der Münchener Akademie, Munich, 1763 sqq.

ANF - Ante-Nicene Fathers, American edition by A. Cleveland Coxe, 8 vols. and index, Buffalo, 1887; vol. ix., ed. Allan Menzies, New York, 1897

Apoc - Apocrypha, apocryphal

Apol - Apologia, Apology

Arab - Arabic

Aram - Aramaic

art. - article

Art. Schmal - Schmalkald Articles

ASB - Acia sanctorum, ed. J. Bolland and others, Antwerp, 1643 sqq.

ASM - Acta sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti, ed. J. Mabillon, 9 vols., Paris, 1668-1701

Assyr - Assyrian

A. T. - Altes Testament, “Old Testament”

Augs. Con - Augsburg Confession

A. V. - Authorized Version (of the English Bible)

AZ - Allgemeine Zeitung, Augsburg, Tübingen, Stuttgart, and Tübingen, 1798 sqq.

Baldwin, Dictionary - J. M. Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, 3 vols. in 4, New York, 1901-05

Bensinger, Archäology - I. Bensinger, Hebräische Archäologie, 2d ed., Freiburg, 1907

Bertholdt, Einleitung - L. Bertholdt, Historisch-Kritische Einleitung . . . des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 6 vols., Erlangen, 1812-19

BFBS - British and Foreign Bible Society

Bingham, Origines - J. Bingham, Origines ecclesiasticæ, 10 vols., London, 1708-22; new ed., Oxford, 1855

Bouquet, Recueil - M. Bouquet, Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, continued by various hands, 23 vols., Paris, 1738-76

Bower, Popes - Archibald Bower, History of the Popes ... to 1768, continued by S. H. Cox, 3 vols., Philadelphia, 1845-47

BQR - Baptist Quarterly Review, Philadelphia, 1867 sqq.

BRG - See Jaffé

Cant - Canticles, Song of Solomon

cap - caput, “chapter”

Ceillier, Auteurs sacrés - R. Ceillier, Histoire des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques, 16 vols. in 17, Paris, 1858-69

Chron - Chronicon, “Chronicle”

I Chron - I Chronicles

II Chron - II Chronicles

CIG - Corpus inscriptionum Græcarum, Berlin, 1825 sqq.

CIL - Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum, Berlin, 1863 sqq.

CIS - Corpus inscriptionum Semiticarum, Paris, 1881 sqq.

cod - codex

cod. D - codex Bezæ

cod. Theod - codex Theodosianus

Col - Epistle to the Colossians

col., cols - column, columns

Conf - Confessiones, “Confessions”

I Cor - First Epistle to the Corinthians

II Cor - Second Epistle to the Corinthians

COT - See Schrader

CQR - The Church Quarterly Review, London, 1875 sqq.

CR - Corpus reformatorum, begun at Halle, 1834, vol. lxxxix., Berlin and Leipsic, 1905 sqq.

Creighton, Papacy - M. Creighton, A History of the Papacy from as Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, new ed., 6 vols., New York and London, 1897

CSEL - Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna, 1867 sqq.

CSHB - Corpus scriptorum, historim Byzantinæ, 49 vols Bonn, 1828-78

Currier, Religious Orders - C.W. Cuurrier, History of Religious Orders, New York, 1896

D - Deuteronomist

DACL - F. Cabrol, Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie, Paris, 1903 sqq.

Dan - Daniel

DB - J. Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols. and extra vol., Edinburgh and New York, 1898-1904

DCA - W. Smith and S. Cheetham, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 2 vols., London,


DCB - W. Smith and H. Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, 4 vols., Boston, 1877-87

DCG - J. Hastings, J. A. Selbie, and J. C. Lambert, A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, 2 vols., Edinburgh and New York, 1906-1908.

Deut - Deuteronomy

De vir. ill - De viris illustribus

De Wette-Schrader, Einleitung - W. M. L. de Wette, Lehrburh der historisch-kritischen Einleitung in die Bibel, vol. i. A.T., ed. E. Schrader, Berlin, 1869

DGQ - See Wattenbach

DNB - L. Stephen and S. Lee, Dictionary of National Biography, 63 vols. and supplement 3 vols., London, 1885-1901

Driver Introduction - R. Driver, Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, 5th ed., New York, 1894

E - Elohist

EB - T K. Cheyne and J. S. Black, Encyclopædia Biblica, 4 vols., London and New York 1899-1903

Eccl. - Ecclesia, “Church”; ecclesiasticus, “ecclesiastical”

Eccles - Ecclesiastes

Ecclus - Ecclesiasticus

ed - edition; edidit, “edited by”

Eph - Epistle to the Ephesians

Epist - Epistola, Epistolæ, "Epistle," “Epistles”

Ersch and Gruber, Encyklopädie - J. S. Ersch and J. G. Gruber, Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Leipsic, 1818 sqq.

E. V. - English versions (of the Bible)

E. - Exodus

Ezek. - Ezekiel

fasc - fasciculus

Friedrich, KD - J. Friedrich, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands 2 vols. Bamberg 1867-69 Fritzsche, Exegetisches Handbuch - O. F. Fritzsche and C. L. W. Grimm, Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zu den Apocryphen des Alten Testaments, 6 parts, Leipsic, 1851-60

Gal - Epistle to the Galatians

Gams, Series episcoporum - P. B. Gams, Series episcoporum ecclesiæ Catholicæ, Regensburg, 1873, and supplement, 1886

Gee and Hardy, Documents - H. Gee and W J. Hardy, Documents Illustrative of English Church History, London, 1896

Gen - Genesis

Germ - German

GGA - Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, Göttingen,1824 sqq.

Gibbon, Decline and Fall - E. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. J. B. Bury, 7 vols., London, 1896-1900

Gk - Greek, Grecized

Gross, Sources - C. Gross, The Sources and Literature of English History . . . to 1485, London, 1900

Hab - Habakkuk

Haddan and Stubbs, Councils - A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs, Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols., Oxford, 1869-78

Hær - Refers to patristic works on heresies or heretics, Tertullian’s De præscriptione, the Pros haireseis of Irenæus, the Panarion of Epiphanius, etc.

Hag - Haggai

Harduin, Concilia - J. Harduin, Conciliorum collectio regia maxima, 12 vols., Paris, 1715

Harnack, Dogma - A. Harnack, History of Dogma . . . from the 3d German edition, 7 vols., Boston,1895-1900

Harnack, Litteratur - A. Harnack, Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur bis Eusebius, 2 vols. in 3 Leipsic, 1893-1904

Hauck, KD - A. Hauck, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, vol. i., Leipsic, 1904; vol. ii., 1900; vol. iii., 1906; vol. iv., 1903

Hauck-Herzog, RE - Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologies und Kirche, founded by J. J. Herzog, 3d ed. by A. Hauck, Leipsic,1896-1909

Heb - Epistle to the Hebrew

Hebr - Hebrew

Hefele, Conciliengeschichte - C. J. von Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, continued by J. Hergenröther, vols. i.-vi., viii.-ix., Freiburg, 1883-93

Heimbucher, Orden und Kongregationen - M. Heimbucher, Die Orden und Kongregationen der katholischen Kirche, 2d ed., 3 vols., Paderborn, 1907

Helyot, Ordres monastiques - P. Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, 8 vols., Paris, 1714-19; new ed., 1839-42

Henderson, Documents - E. F. Henderson, Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, London, 1892

Hist - History, histoire, hiotoria

Hist. eccl. - Historia ecclesiastica, ecclesiæ, “Church history”

Hom - Homilia, homiliai, “homily, homilies”

Hos - Hosea

Isa - Isaiah

Ital - Italian

J - Jahvist (Yahwist)

JA - Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1822 sqq.

Jaffé, BRG - P. Jaffé, Bibliotheca rerum, Germanicarum, 6 vols., Berlin, 1864-73

Jaffé, Regesta - P. Jaffé, Regesta Ponticum Romanorum . . . ad annum 1198, Berlin, 1851;

2d ed., Leipsic, 1881-88

JAOS - Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, 1849 sqq.

JBL - Journal of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, first appeared as Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, Middletown, 1882-88, then Boston, 1890 sqq.

JE -The Jewish Encyclopedia, 12 vols., New York, 1901-06

JE - The combined narrative of the Javist (Yahwist) and Elohist

Jer - Jeremiah

Josephus, Ant. - Flavius Josephus, "Antiquities of the Jews”

Josephus, Apion - Flavious Josephus, “Against Apion”

Josephus, Life -Life of Flavius Josephus

Josephus, War - Flavius Josephus, “The Jewish War”

Josh - Joshua

JPT - Jahrbücher für protestantische Theologie, Leipsic, 1875 sqq.

JQR - The Jewish Quarterly Review, London, 1888 sqq.

JTS - Journal of Theological Studies, London, 1899 sqq.

Julian, Hymnology - J. Julian, A Dictionary of Hymnology, revised edition, London, 1907

JWT - Jaarboeken voor Wetenschappelijke Theologie, Utrecht, 1845 sqq.

KAT - See Schrader

KB - See Schrader

KD - See Friedrich, Hauck, Rettberg

KL - Wetzer und Welte’s Kirchenlexikon, 2d ed., by J. Hergenröther and F. Kaulen 12 vols., Freiburg, 1882-1903

Krüger, History - G. Krüger, History of Early Christian Literature in the First Three Centuries, New York, 1897

Krumbacher, Geschichte - Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur, 2d ed., Munich, 1897

Labbe, Concilia - P. Labbe, Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, 31 vols, Florence and Vencie, 1759-98

Lam - Lamentations

Lanigan, Eccl. Hist - J. Lanigan, Ecclesiastical History of Ireland to the 13th Century, 4 vols., Dublin, 1829

Lat - Latin, Latinized

Leg - Leges, Legum

Lev - Leviticus

Lichtenberger, ESR - F. Lichtenberger, Encyclopédie des sciences religieuses, 13 vols., Paris, 1877-1882

Lorens, DGQ - O. Lorenz, Deutschlands Geschictsquellen im Mittelalter, 3d ed., Berlin, 1887

LXX - The Septuagint

I Macc - I Maccabees

II Macc - II Maccabees

Mai, Nova collectio - A. Mai, Scriptorum veterum nova collectio, 10 vols., Rome, 1825-38

Mal - Malachi

Mann, Popes - R. C. Mann, Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages, London, 1902 sqq.

Mansi, Concilia - D. Mansi, Sanctorum conciliorum collectio nova, 31 vols., Florence and

Venice, 1728

Matt - Matthew

MGH - Monumenta Germaniæ, historica, ed. G. H. Pertz and others, Hanover and Berlin, 1826 sqq. The following abbreviations are used for the sections and subsections of this work: Ant., Antiquitates “Antiquities”; Auct. Ant., Auctores antiquissimi, “Oldest Writers”; Chron. min., Chronica minora, "Lesser Chronicles"; Dip., Diplomata "Diplomas, Documents"; Epist., Epistolæ, "Letters"; Gest. pont. Rom., Gesta pontificum Romanorum, "Deeds of the Popes of Rome"; Leg., Leges, “Laws “; Lib. de lite, Libelli de lite inter regnum et sacerdotium sæculorum xi et xii conscripti, "Books concerning the Strife between the Civil and Ecclesiastical Authorities in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries"; Nec., Necrologia Germania, "Necrology of Germany"; Poet. Lat. ævi Car., Poetæ Latini avæ Carolini, “Latin Poets of the Caroline Time”, Poet. Lat. med. ævi. Poetæ Latini medii ævi,"Latin Poets of the Middle Ages"; Script., Scriptores, "Writers"; Script. rer. Germ., Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, "Writers on German Subjects"; Script. rer. Langob., Scriptores rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum,"Writers on Lombard and Italian Subjects"; Script. rer. Merov., Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum, “Writers on Merovingian Subjects”

Mic - Micah

Milman, Latin Christianity - H. Milman, History of Latin Christianity, Including that of the Popes to . . . Nicholas V., 8 vols., London, 1860-61

Mirbt, Quellen - C. Mirbt, Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des römischen Katholicismus, Tübingen, 1901

Moeller, Christian Church - W. Moeller, History of the Christian Church, 3 vols., London, 1892-1900

MPG - J. P. Migne, Patrologiæ cursus completus, series Græca, 162 vols., Paris, 1857-66

MPL - J. P. Migne, Patrologiæ cursus completus, series Latinæ, 221 vols., Paris, 1844-1864

MS., MSS. - Manuscript, Manuscripts

Muratori, Scriptores - L. A. Muratori, Rerum Italicarum scriptores, 28 vols., 1723-51

NA - Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere detusche Geschichtskunde, Hanover, 1876 sqq.

Nah - Hanhum

n.d. - no date of publication

Neander, Christian Church - A. Neander, General History of the Christian Religion and Church, 6 vols., and index, Boston, 1872-81

Neh - Nehemiah

Niceron, Mémoires - R. P. Niceron, Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des hommes illustres . . . , 43 vols., Paris 1729-45

NKZ - Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift, Leipsic, 1890 sqq.

Nowack, Archäologie - W. Nowack, Lehrbuch der Hebräischen Archäologie, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1894

n. p. - no place of publication

NPNF - The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, 14 vols., New York, 1887-92; 2d

series, 14 vols., New York, 1890-1900

N. T. - New Testament, Novum Testamentum, Nouveau Testament, Neues Testament

Num - Numbers

Ob - Obadiah

O .S. B. - Ordo sancti Benedicti, "Order of St. Benedict"

O. T. - Old Testament

OTJC - See Smith

P - Priestly document

Pastor, Popes - L. Pastor, The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages, 8 vols., London, 1891-1908

PEA - Patre ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, ed. J. A. Giles, 34 vols., London, 1838-46

PEF - Palestine Exploration Fund

I Pet - First Epistle of Peter

II Peter - Second Epistle of Peter

Pliny, Hist. nat. - Pliny, Historia naturalis

Potthast, Wegweiser - A. Potthast, Bibliotheca historica medii ævi. Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke, Berlin, 1896

Prov - Proverbs

Ps - Psalms

PSBA - Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, London, 1880 sqq.

q.v., qq.v - quod (quæ) vide, “which see”

R - Redactor

Ranke, Popes - L. von Ranke, History of the Popes, 3 vols., London, 1906

RDM - Revue des deux mondes, Paris, 1831 sqq.

RE - See Hauck-Herzog

Reich, Documents - F. Reich, Select Documents Illustrating Mediæval and Modern History, London, 1905

REJ - Revue des études Juives, Paris, 1880 sqq.

Rettberg, KD - F. W. Rettberg, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, 2 vols., Göttingen, 1846-48

Rev - Book of Revelation

RHR - Revue de l'histoire des religions, Paris, 1880 ssq.

Richter, Kirchenrecht - A. L. Richter, Lehrbuch des katholischen und evangelischen Kirchenrechts, 8th ed. by W. Kahl, Leipsic, 1886

Robinson, Researches, and Later Researches - E. Robinson, Biblical Researches in Palestine, Boston, 1841, and Later Biblical Researches in Palestine, 3d ed. of the whole, 3 vols., 1867

Robinson, European History - J. H. Robinson, Readings in European History, 2 vols., Boston, 1904-06

Robinson and Beard, Modern Europe - J. H. Robinson and C. A. Beard, Development of Modern Europe, 2 vols., Boston, 1907

Rom - Epistle to the Romans

RSE - Revue des sciences ecclésiastiques, Arras, 1860-74, Amiens, 1875 sqq.

RTP - Revue de théologie et de philosophie, Lausanne, 1873

R.V. - Revised Version (of the English Bible)

sæc - sæculum, “century”

I Sam - I Samuel

II Sam - II Samuel

SBA - Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie, Berlin, 1882 sqq.

SBE - F. Max Müller and others, The Sacred Books of the East, Oxford, 1879 sqq., vol. xlviii., 1904

SBOT - Sacred Books of the Old Testament ("Rainbow Bible"), Leipsic, London, and Baltimore, 1894 sqq.

Schaff, Christian Church - P. Schaff, History or the Christian Church, vols. i.-iv., vi., vii., New York, 1882-92, vol. v., part 1, by D. S. Schaff, 1907

Schaff, Creeds - P. Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom, 3 vols. New York, 1877-84

Schrader, COT - E. Schrader, Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament, 2 vols., London, 1885-88

Schrader, KAT - E. Schrader, Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament, 2 vols.. Berlin, 1902-03

Schrader, KB - E. Schrader, Keilimchriftliche Bibliothek, 6 vols., Berlin, 1889-1901

Schürer, Geschichte - E. Schürer, Geshichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, 4th ed., 3 vols., Leipsic, 1902 sqq.; Eng. transl., 5 vols., New York, 1891

Script - Scriptores, "writers"

Scrivener, Introduction - F. H. A. Scrivener, Introduction to New Testament Criticism, 4th ed., London, 1894

Sent - Sententiæ, "Sentences"

S.J. - Societas Jesu, “Society of Jesus”

SMA - Sitzungsberichte der Münchener Akademie, Munich, 1860 sqq.

Smith, Kinship - W. R. Smith, Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia, London, 1903

Smith, OTJC - W. R. Smith, The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, London, 1892

Smith, Prophets - W. R. Smith, Prophets of Israel . . . to the Eighth Century, London, 1895 Smith, Rel. of Sem - W. R. Smith, Religion of the Semites, London,1894

S. P. C. K. - Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge

S. P. G. - Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

sq., sqq. - and following

Strom - Stomata, “Miscellanies”

s.v. - sub voce, or sub verbo

Swete, Introduction - H. B. Swete, Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, London, 1900

Syr - Syriac

TBS - Trinitarian Bible Society

Thatcher and   McNeal, Source Book - O. J. Thatcher and E. H. McNeal, A Source Book for Medieæval History, New York, 1905

I Thess - First Epistle to the Thessalonians

II Thess - Second Epistle to the Thessalonians

ThT - Theologische Tijdschrift, Amsterdam and Leyden, 1867 sqq.

Tillemont, Mémoirs - L. S. le Nain de Tillemont, Mémoires . . . ecclésiastiques, des six premiers siècles, 16 vols., Paris, 1693-1712

I Tim - First Epistle to Timothy

II Tim - Second Epistle to Timothy

TJB - Theologischer Jahresbericht, Leipsic, 1882-1887, Freiburg, 1888, Brunswick, 1889-1897, Berlin, 1898 sqq.

TLB - Theologisches Litteraturblatt, Bonn, 1866 sqq.

TLZ - Theologische Litteraturzeitung, Leipsic, 1876 sqq.

Tob - Tobit

TQ - Theologische Quartalschrift, Tübingen, 1819 sqq.

TS - J. A. Robinson, Texts and Studies, Cambridge, 1891 sqq.

TSBA - Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology, London, 1872 sqq.

TSK - Theologische Studien und Kritiken, Hamburg, 1826 sqq.

TU - Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur, ed. O. von Gebhardt and A. Harnack, Leipsic, 1882 sqq.

TZT - Tübinger Zeitschrift für Theologie, Tübingen, 1838-40

Ugolini, Thesaurus - B. Ugolinus, Thesaurus antiquitatum sacrarum, 34 vols., Venice, 1744-69

V. T. - Vetus Testamentum, Vieux Testament, "Old Testament"

Wattenbach, DGQ - W. Wattenbach, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, 5th ed., 2 vols., Berlin, 1885; 6th ed., 1893-94

Wellbausen, Heidentum - J. Wellhausen, Reste arabischen Heidentums, Berlin 1887 

Wellhausen, Prolegomena - J. Wellhausen, Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels; 6th ed., Berlin, 1905, Eng. transl., Edinburgh, 1885

ZA - Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, Leipsic, 1886-88, Berlin, 1889 sqq.

Zahn, Einleitung - T. Zahn, Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 3d ed., Leipsic, 1907

Zahn, Kanon - T. Zahn, Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1888-92

ZATW - Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Giessen, 1881 sqq.

ZDAL - Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Literatur, Berlin, 1876 sqq.

ZDMG - Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellachaft, Leipsic, 1847 sqq.

ZDP - Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, Halle, 1869 sqq.

ZDPV - Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins, Leipsic, 1878 sqq.

Zech - Zechariah

Zeph - Zephaniah

ZHT - Zeitschrift für die historische Theologie, published successively at Leipsic, Hamburg, and Gotha, 1832-75

ZKG - Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, Gotha, 1876 sqq.

ZKR - Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht, Berlin, Tübingen, Freiburg, 1861 sqq.

ZKT - Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie, Innsbruck, 1877 sqq.

ZKW - Zeitschrift für kirchliche Wissenschaft und kirchliches Leben, Leipsic, 1880-89

ZNTW - Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Giessen, 1900 sqq.

ZPK - Zeitschrift f für Protestantsmus und Kirche, Erlangen, 1838-76

ZWT - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie, Halle, 1861-67, Leipsic, 1868 sqq.