Carolyn Hagenbaugh - Piano

Hymns, Choruses and Songs for Worship (mp3 files)
(copyright Carolyn Hagenbaugh)
All Power Is Given Unto Me (James McGranahan) - Track 1
All Because of Calvary - Track 18
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (Edward Perronet and John Rippon/Oliver Holden) - Track 4
Altogether Lovely - Track 16
And Can It Be (Charles Wesley) - Track 5
Away, Far Over Jordan - Track 14
Before the Throne of God Above (Charitie L. Bancroft/William B. Bradbury)- Track 31
Best Thing in My Life I Ever Did Do, The - Track 14
Cheer Up Ye Saints of God - Track 14
Christ for Me (Alex Burns) - Track 14
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Robert Robinson/John Wyeth) - Track 33
Do, Lord - Track 23
Doxology (Thomas Ken/Louis Bourgeois) - Track 25
Every Day with Jesus (Robert C. Loveless/Wendell P. Loveless) - Track 14
Everybody Ought to Know - Track 23
Flee as a Bird to the Mountain (Mary S. Shindler) - Track 3
For We'll Be Dwelling Together -Track 14
For God So Loved the World (Frances Townsend/Alfred B. Smith) - Track 14
Forever (Richard Cimina) - Track 37
Give Me Oil in My Lamp (A. Sevison) - Track 24
Give Thanks (Henry Smith) - Track 34
God of Abraham Praise, The (Thomas Olivers) - Track 6
Gone, Gone, Gone, Gone, Yes, My Sins Are Gone - Track 14
Got Any Rivers You Think Are Uncrossable? (Oscar C. Eliason) - Track 21
Hallelu, Hallelu - Track 14
Hash Chorus - Track 14
He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels (Roy Overholt) - Track 10
Heaven Is a Wonderful Place - Track 14
Heaven Is Better than This - Track 14
Heavenly Sunshine - Track 14
His Name is Yahweh - Track 28
Holy, Holy, Holy (Reginald Heber/John B. Dykes) - Track 29
Holy, Holy Is What the Angels Sing (Johnson Oatman, Jr./John R. Sweney) - Track 13
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (Ira F. Stanphill) - Track 12
I Believe the Answer's on the Way (Merrill Dunlop) - Track 21
I Know a Fount (Oliver Cooke/Benjamin Harlan) - Track 20
I Love You Lord (Laurie Klein) - Track 27
I Shall Not Be Moved (Edward H. Boatner) - Track 15
I Stand in Awe (Mark Altrogge) - Track 38
I Will Bless Thee O Lord (Esther Watanabe) - Track 32
I Will Come and Bow Down (Martin J. Nystrom) - Track 32
If You Want Joy, Real Joy (Joseph D. Carlson) - Track 18
If You're Happy and You Know It (Alfred B. Smith) - Track 23
I'm a Trampin' - Track 14
I'm So Happy and Hear's the Reason Why (Stanton W. Gavitt) - Track 14
Isn't He Wonderful - Track 14
It Is Summertime in My Heart - Track 24
I Worship You, Almighty God (Sondra Corbett Wood) - Track 30
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J. S. Bach) - Track 25
Jesus What a Wonder You Are (Dave Bolton) - Track 32
Knowing You (All I Once Held Dear) (Graham Kendrick) - Track 33
Lead Me to Some Soul Today (Wendell P. Loveless) - Track 22
Let There Be Glory and Honor and Praises (James Greenelsh and Elizabeth Greenelsh) - Track 39
Let's Talk about Jesus - Track 14
Like a River Glorious (Frances R. Havergal/James Mountain) - Track 2
Lord's Prayer, The - Track 2
Love of God, The - Track 11
Love This World Through Me, Lord - Track 19
My Desire, To Be Like Jesus - Track 22
My Jesus I Love Thee (William R. Featherston/Adoniram J. Gordon) - Track 27
O I Love to Hear His Voice - Track 17
Only to Be What He Wants Me to Be (Norman J. Clayton) - Track 23
Only by Grace (Gerrit Gustafson) - Track 36
Over the Sunset Mountains (John W. Peterson) - Track 8
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Thomas A. Dorsey) - Track 15
Precious Name (Lydia Baxter/William H. Doane) - Track 14
Rolled Away - Track 16
Shout to the Lord (Darlene Zschech) - Track 35
Thank You, Lord (Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sykes) - Track 14
Things Are Different Now (Stanton W. Gavitt) - Track 20
Unveiled Christ, The (Noah B. Herrell) - Track 9
Victory in Jesus (E. M. Bartlett) - Track 40
Wait 'Til Jesus Comes to Earth Again - Track 15
Walking with Jesus (L. C. Voke) - Track 14
We Worship and Adore Thee - Track 14
When He Cometh (William O. Cushing/George F. Root) - Track 26
When I Can Read My Title Clear (Isaac Watts/Joseph C. Lowry)- Track 7
When the World's on Fire (O My Loving Brother) - Track 14
Wide, Wide as the Ocean (C. Austin Miles) - Track 16
With Eternity's Values in View, Lord (Alfred B. Smith) - Track 23
Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus (Anna B. Russell/Ernest O. Sellers) - Track 16
Wonderful, Wonderful, Jesus Is to Me (John Newton/Lowell Mason) - Track 14
 Track 1 (2:54)  Track 11 (3:01)  Track 21 (2:24)  Track 31 (3:10)
 Track 2 (3:45)  Track 12 (2:18)  Track 22 (1:54)  Track 32 (4:27)
 Track 3 (3:45)  Track 13 (2:50)  Track 23 (4:30)  Track 33 (4:15)
 Track 4 (2:32)  Track 14 (13:09)  Track 24 (1:42)  Track 34 (2:46)
 Track 5 (2:30)  Track 15 (3:58)  Track 25 (4:06)  Track 35 (2:58)
 Track 6 (1:38)  Track 16 (3:15)  Track 26 (2:16)  Track 36 (2:34)
 Track 7 (2:49)  Track 17 (1:06)  Track 27 (3:34)  Track 37 (2:43)
 Track 8 (2:13)  Track 18 (1:49)  Track 28 (1:33)  Track 38 (2:09)
 Track 9 (2:44)  Track 19 (1:09)  Track 29 (3:04)  Track 39 (1:33)
 Track 10 (2:39)  Track 20 (2:14)  Track 30 (2:37)  Track 40 (2:14)
Here are the lyrics to Tracks 25 to 40.
Here are links for lyrics to some of the Track 1 to 24 hymns and choruses as well as midi files: