FRANK, GUSTAV WILHELM: German Protestant; b. at Schleiz (24 m. s.w. of Gara) Sept. 25, 1832; d. at Vienna Sept. 24, 1904. He studied at Jena, where he became privat-docent in 1859 and was appointed associate professor of theology in 1864. In 1867 he was called to Vienna as full professor of dogmatic and symbolic theology, and the same year became a member of the Evangelical ecclesiastical council in Vienna. He edited E. F. Apelt's Religionsphilosophie (Leipsic, 1860), and wrote Memorabilia quædam Flaciana (Schleiz, 1856); De Luthero rationalismi præcursore (Leipsic, 1857); De Academia Jenensi evangelicœ veritatis altrice (Schleiz, 1858); Die jenische Theologie in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung (Leipsie, 1858); De Matthiœ Flacii Illyrici in libros sacros meritis (1859); Geschichte der protestantischen Theologie (vols. i.-iii., 1862-75, vol. iv., with Lebensabriss by G. Lösche, 1905); Johann Major, der Wittenberger Poet (Halle, 1863); Das Toleranzpatent Kaiser Joseph II (Vienna, 1882); and Symbolœ ad recentiorem C. R. ordinis Theologorum evangelicorum Vindobonensis historiam congestæ (1896).