FAULHABER, faul-hā'ber, MICHAEL: German Roman Catholic; b. at Heidenfeld (18 m. n.e. of Würzburg) Mar. 5, 1869. He studied in Würzburg (D.D., 1895), and after being prefect of the theological seminary in the same city, 1893-95, spent the years 1896-98 in libraries in Rome and other Italian cities. He became privat-docent in the University of Würzburg in 1899, and in 1903 was appointed professor of Old Testament exegesis in the University of Strasburg. He has written Die griechischen Apologeten der klassischen Väterzeit, i., Eusebius (Würzhurg, 1896); Die Propheten-Catenen nach romischen Handschriften (Freiburg, 1899); Hesychii Hierosolymitani interpretatio Isaiœ prophetœ (1900); Hohelied-, Proverbien- und Prediger-Catenen (Vienna, 1902); and Die Vesperpsalmen der Sonn- und Feiertage (Strasburg, 1906).