Lectures to My Students
by Charles Spurgeon
hear the lectures computer read at Charles Spurgeon Speaks
introduction 1
introduction 2Lectures
I. The Minister's Self-watch
II. The Call to the Ministry
III. The Preacher's Private Prayer
IV. Our Public Prayer
V. Sermons--their Matter
VI. On the Choice of a Text
VII. On Spiritualizing
VIII. On the Voice
IX. Attention
X. The Faculty of Impromptu Speech
XI. The Minister's Fainting Fits
XII. The Minister's Ordinary Conversation
XIII. To Workers with Slender Apparatus
XIV. The Holy Spirit in Connection with Our Ministry
XV. The Necessity of Ministerial Progress
XVI. The Need of Decision for the Truth
XVII. Open-Air Preaching--A Sketch of Its History
XVIII. Open-Air Preaching--Remarks Thereon
XIX. Posture, Action, Gesture, Etc.
XX. Posture, Action, Gesture, Etc. (Second Lecture)
XXI. Earnestness: Its Marring and Maintenance
XXII. The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear
XXIII. On Conversion as Our Aim
XXIV. Illustrations in Preaching
XXV. Anecdotes from the Pulpit
XXVI. The Uses of Anecdotes and Illustrations
XXVII. Where Can We Find Anecdotes and Illustrations?
XXVIII. The Sciences as Sources of Illustration