by Richard Baxter
(edited by William Brown)
Preface: William Brown
CHAPTER I: The oversight of ourselves
Section 1: The nature of this oversight
- 1. See that the work of grace be thoroughly wrought in your own souls
- 2. See that you be not only in a state of grace, but that your graces are in vigorous and lively exercise
- 3. See that your example contradict not your doctrine
- 4. See that you live not in those sins against which you preach in others
- 5. See that you want not the qualifications necessary for the work
Section 2: The motives to this oversight
- 1. You have a heaven to win or lose as well as other men
- 2. You have a depraved nature as well as others
- 3. You are exposed to greater temptations than others
- 4. You have many eyes upon you, and there will be many to observe your falls
- 5. Your sins will have more heinous aggravations than other men's
- 6. Such great works as yours require greater grace than other men's
- 7. The honour of Christ lieth more on you than on other men
- 8. The success ofyour labours materially depends on your taking heed to yourselves
CHAPTER II: The oversight of the flock
Section 1: The nature of this oversight
- 1. We must labour for the conversion of the unconverted
- 2. We must give advice to inquirers who are under conviction of sin
- 3. We must study to build up those who are already partakers of divine grace
- 4. We must exercise a careful oversight of families
- 5. We must be diligent in visiting the sick
- 6. We must be faithful in reproving and admonishing offenders
- 7. We must be careful in exercising Church discipline
Section 2: The manner of this oversight
- 1. Purely for God, and the salvation of souls
- 2. Diligently and laboriously
- 3. Prudently and orderly
- 4. Insisting chiefly on the greatest and most necessary things
- 5. With plainness and simplicity
- 6. With humility
- 7. With a mixture of severity and mildness
- 8. With seriousness, earnestness and zeal
- 9. With tender love to our people
- 10.With patience
- 11.With reverence
- 12.With spirituality
- 13. With earnest desires and expectations of success
- 14. Under a deep sense of our own insufficiency, and of our dependence on Christ
- 15. In unity with other ministers
Section 3: The motives to this oversight
- 1. From the relation in which we stand to the flock--we are overseers
- 2. From the efficient cause of this relation--The Holy Ghost
- 3. From the dignity of the object which is committed to our charge--The Church of God
- 4. From the price paid for the Church--which he hath purchased with his blood
CHAPTER III: Application
Section 1: The use of humiliation
1. On account of our pride
- 2. Our not seriously, unreservedly, and laboriously laying out ourselves in our work
- (1) By negligent studies
- (2) By dull, drowsy preaching
- (3) By not compassionating and helping destitute congregations
- 3. Our prevailing regard to our worldly interests, in opposition to the interests of Christ
- (1) By temporizing
- (2) By too much minding worldly things
- (3) By barrenness in works of charity
4. Our undervaluing the unity and peace of the Church
5. Our negligence in exercising Church discipline
Section 2: The duty of personal catechizing and instructing the flock particularly recommended
ARTICLE I: Motives from the benefits of the work
- 1. It will be a most hopeful mean of the conversion of sinners
- 2. It will essentially promote the edification of saints
- 3. It will make our public preaching better understood by our people
- 4. It will make us more familiar with them, and assist us in winning their affections
- 5. It will make us better acquainted with their spiritual state, and enable us better to watch over
- them
- 6. It will assist us in the admission of persons to the sacraments
- 7. It will show men the true nature of the ministerial office
- 8. It will show our people the nature of their duty to their ministers
- 9.It will give the governors of the nation more correct views of the Christian ministry, and so may procure from them further help
- 10. It will exceedingly facilitate the ministerial work in succeeding generations
- 11. It will conduce to the better ordering of families, and the better spending of the Lord's day
- 12. It will help to preserve many ministers from idleness and misspending their time
- 13. It will contribute to subdue our own corruptions, and to exercise our own graces
- 14. It will withdraw both ourselves and our people from vain controversies, and the lesser matters of religion
- 15. It will extend these various benefits to all the people in our several parishes
- 16. It will not even stop here, but is like to be a work that will reach over the whole land
- 17. The weight and excellence of the duty recommended
ARTICLE 2: Motives from the difficulties of the work
- 1. Difficulties in ourselves
- 2. Difficulties in our people
ARTICLE 3: Motives from the necessity of the work
- 1. It is necessary for the glory of God
- 2. It is necessary for the welfare of our people
- 3. It is necessary for our own welfare
ARTICLE 4: Application of these motives
ARTICLE I: Directions for bringing our people to submit to the exercise
- 1.Conduct yourselves in die general course of your life and ministry, so as to convince them of your ability, sincerity, and love to them
- 2. Convince them of the benefit and necessity of this exercise
- 3. Put catechisms into the hands of every family in your congregation, whether rich or poor
- 4. Deal gently with them, and avoid every kind of discouragement
- 5. Expostulate with such as are obstinate and disobedient
ARTICLE 2: Directions for prosecuting the exercise with success
- 1. Address a few words to them in general to mollify their minds, and to remove all offence
- 2. Take them one by one, and deal with each of them apart
- 3. Take an account of what each of them has learned of the catechism
- 4. Try by further questions how far they understand what they have learned
- 5. When you have tried their knowledge, proceed next to instruct them yourselves
- 6. if they appear to be unconverted, make some prudent inquiry into their state
- 7. Endeavour to impress their heart with a sense of their deplorable condition
- 8. Conclude with an exhortation to them to believe in Christ, and to the diligent use of the external means of grace
- 9. At dismissing them, mollify their minds by a few words deprecating anything like offence, and endeavour to engage the masters of families to carry on the work you have begun
- 10. Keep a list of your people in a book, with notes of their character and necessities
- 11. Through the whole course of the exercise, see that the manner as well as the matter be suited to the end
- 12. If God enable you, extend your charity to those of the poorer sort, before they part from you