Digital Editor's Preface Things have changed dramatically in the 100 years since Hugh Tucker labored in Brazil. This is due to those like Tucker and his colporteurs who courageously and with much perseverance sacrificed so that Brazilians could have access to the Scriptures. It is also due to the effects of Vatican II. (see Richard J. Sturz' "The Last Fifty Years (1950-2000) in Perspective")
When I came to Brazil a bit over 10 years ago, Catholic publishers and bookstores, as well as numerous Evangelical publishers and bookstores made the Bible readily (and inexpensively) available to anyone who wanted a copy. In fact, though it was published by a Presbyterian publisher, I bought my Portuguese copy of D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation of the 16th Century in a Catholic bookstore! Finding such a profoundly Protestant work in a Catholic bookstore is still a rare exception. But, it shows some of the depth of change that has occurred in Brazil and in the Catholic Church's position on distribution and study of the Bible and related literature.
Hugh Tucker gives us a rare glimpse of the past in a context which shows that ministry outreach has had (and still can have) a profound impact for good.
This digital edition is dedicated to Tucker and his colporteurs who worked and suffered so that the Bible and Christian literature would be readily available to Brazilians wanting to personally know the truth of God's word. It is also dedicated to the many missionaries who have served in Brazil--especially my South Brazil colleagues.
- Terri Williams
- São Paulo, Brazil
- October, 2000