THE object in writing this volume is twofold: first, to try to reveal more clearly to the Christian people of the United States and England the conditions which surround 17,000,000 of immortal souls on the American continent; and in the second place to give some idea of what the Church of Christ is doing to save these people, and of the real progress the work is making. It is my purpose in considering the first proposition to give special emphasis to the ever enlarging opportunity and responsibility of the American and British and Foreign Bible Societies in the work of saving the Brazilian nation; and in considering the second, to give the prominence justly due these societies for the very important and pioneer part they have taken in what has been done up to date for rescuing these millions.

It is furthermore hoped that in narrating the experiences of the fourteen years during which I have travelled extensively as Agent of the American Bible Society for Brazil, such information may be given concerning the people, the present condition of the country, its unlimited natural resources, and vast possibilities as may interest the general reader, awaken investigation, and lead to a more definite knowledge of this so large and rich a portion of the "Neglected Continent."

The Monroe Doctrine would seem to imply that there rests upon the people of the United States a political and commercial responsibility for the highest welfare of all the countries on the American continent. The inquiry at least should suggest to the pious mind the thought of the tremendous responsibility that rests upon the Christian people of the United States for the deliverance of the Brazilians from the Roman yoke of bondage and the awful tyranny to which they have become enslaved.

Great Britain has large and ever increasing interests in Brazil which imply a corresponding responsibility in the moral and religious elevation of the nation.