1. Characterize German immigration to America during the seventeenth century.
2. In what respects did the later German immigration differ from the earlier? What was the result?
3. State why the earliest beginnings of German churches were made in widely separated localities.
4. Mention the localities where such beginnings had been made up to about 1852.
5. Give an account of the pioneering of Conrad A. Fleischmann.
6. When was the Philadelphia church organized? What is its name today?
7. Give an account of the beginnings in New York City.
8. Describe the origin of the Buffalo church.
9. When and how did the Rochester church originate?
10. What about the beginnings in Brooklyn, N. Y.?
11. Relate the story of the founding of the earliest churches in Wisconsin.
12. How was the church in St. Louis founded?
13. Give the early history of the Chicago church.
14. How, when and by whom were the earliest churches in Ontario founded?
15. What was the numerical strength of the German Baptists about 1851?
16. Mention five of the leading factors which characterize the later expansion and progress of the churches.
17. State the progress of the movement in figures from the statistics of 1923.
18. Characterize the religious life of the churches.
19. What about the losses of members to English speaking churches?
20. Give an account of the organization of the first Eastern Conference.
21. When and under what circumstances was the first Western Conference formed?
22. What led to the founding of the first General Conference?
23. What important business was transacted there?
24. What functions does the General Conference exercise?
25. Tell of the Million-Dollar Offering.
26. Explain the budget-system of raising funds for all missionary and philanthropic interests.
27. What other local Conferences were organized since 1880?
28. How did the Publication Society obtain its present property holdings in Cleveland, O.?
29. Name all the editors and the business managers the Publication Society has had. Who are the present incumbants?
30. Name the weekly and monthly publications which have been and which are now published by the Society.
31. Tell about the Colportage work.
32. When and how was the German Department at Rochester formed?
33. What about the co-operation of the German churches in ministerial education?
34. Name the first three professors.
35. What particular services did Professor Schaeffer render the Seminary?
36. How has the pre-theological education of the students been made possible?
37. How is the Seminary supported?
38. Tell of the success which has attended this branch of the general work of the churches.
39. When and how was the General Missionary Society formed?
40. What are its functions?
41. What success has attended its efforts?
42. Name the various departments under which its activities are being conducted?
43. Who were the first two General Secretaries? Its General Treasurer?
44. Who is General Secretary now? General Treasurer?
45. Name the missionaries who went to India from the membership of our churches?
46. TelI of Jacob Speicher's work in China.
47. Give an account of the Kamerun Mission and the men who labored there.
48. Why did the "pioneers" give no specific attention to Sunday school work?
49. Through what agencies did Sunday schools come into their own later on?
50. What is the status of these schools today?
51. Tell of the early history of the Young People's Movement among us.
52. Describe the movement among the Young People as we find it today.
53. Give an account of the Orphanage work.
54. Where are the Homes for the Aged located? How are they being supported?
55. Where is the Girls' Home? Why was it founded? What success can it point to?
56. Tell of the Deaconess Home.
57. What is the relation of the German churches to the Baptist Brotherhood of the World?