V. Personal Sketches



(This sketch belongs with those of the first period but cut was not received in time.)

Rev. Myron N. Stearns was born in Vermont in 1812. His father and one brother were also Baptist preachers, and both came to Oregon. He was converted and baptized at Essex, N. Y ., in 1829, and educated at Brown University, R. I., and at Dennison University, Ohio. He preached at various places in Ohio, New York, and Vermont, until 1853, when he came to Oregon, settling in the Rogue River Valley , preaching four years in general missionary work in the southern part of Jackson county, and also in supplying the Table Rock Baptist church. About that time the Indian war broke out, and in 1857, he moved to the Umpqua Valley, and in 1858 he became principal of the Roseburg Academy for two years, then settled on a farm for the support of his fami1y, preaching for the weak churches and destitute places round about. The first three years of his work he received just five dollars salary. He then moved back to Jackson county, where he worked and preached until 1864, when he moved to Oregon City as pastor of that church for a year; then a year of teaching at McMinnville; then took a homestead a few miles from Oregon City. Here he continued his missionary work until 1867, when he accepted the pastorate of the church at Santa Clara, California, where he remained until his death December 19, 1868.

55. REV. PRESTON HOLMAN. 1847-1866

Rev. Preston Holman was the son of Deacon J. S. Holman, a pioneer Baptist, of whom a sketch has been given. He was born in Missouri in 1844, and brought to Oregon in 1847; converted in 1864; united with the Dallas church in I866; licensed by that church in 1869; and ordained by it August 28, 1870. In 1873 he was chosen pastor of this church, and with some slight interruptions, served it about thirteen years, and for little or no pay; he laboring with his hands for the support of himself and family. He resigned because of failing health.

Brother Holman was devotional and practical in his sermons and they were full of spirituality. He had an easy flow of words, and pleasant delivery, using good language, and interesting his audience. Like his father, he was a peacemaker, and beloved by the entire community. There was very little that was combative in his discourses; although he boldly advocated and defended the peculiarities of his church if occasion demanded it. For several years he was so troubled with asthma that his preaching was entirely suspended, but he was able to be out at the meetings, and his few feeble words and actions showed his interest unabated, and his love for the cause undiminished. His life was a living comment on his profession, and he died as he had lived, fully trusting in the mercies of Christ. Those who knew him best, loved him most, and in his death the denomination lost a wise counselor and his church a worthy example. He was a man who had at heart all the interests of the Baptist cause here in the Northwest. He was especially a warm friend of McMinnville college, at which he was at one time a student, under the presidency of Dr. Chandler. He died September 30, 1889.

56. REV. DAVID A. LYNCH. 1851-1867

Rev. D. A. Lynch was an exhorter, and his special work, in which he excelled, was that of an itinerant evangelist. His educational advantages were limited, but he made up in zeal what he lacked in books. He was born in Missouri in 1833; his parents and connections all Baptists; was converted in1849 and was baptized into the Lone Jack church in Jackson county, by Rev. Joab Powell. He came to Oregon in 1851, but took no active part in religious matters until1866-7, when Union church gave him a license, and June 6, 1860, it ordained him. He gave much time to preaching in destitute places, at his own charges. He was the general missionary of the Central Association for two or three years at $600 a year for all his time. His preaching was altogether extempore, without a skeleton, and mostly exhortation. He was excellent in a revival meeting. He was popular with the masses, but avoided the larger towns, preferring the country and the poorer churches, with his salary averaging $75 a year for once a month preaching. When he commenced preaching he bad a good farm, but it all went for the support of himself and family whilst he was preaching. But perhaps the blame was not altogether with his churches. Possibly he did not often teach the duty of ministerial support. True, some of his churches were very poor, but the others were able to supply the deficiency. And in his zeal to win souls, Brother Lynch thought of little else except to bring in sheaves for the Master. Since writing this, word has come that the dear Savior whom he loved so dearly has called him to the rest prepared for him.



Rev. Sterling Hill was the third child of Deacon Claiborne Hill, another pioneer Baptist already noticed. He was born in Tennessee in 1827. When a boy his father moved to Iowa. He was converted in 1846 and united with the Mount Zion Baptist church in Van Buren county, Iowa. He was the first of his father's family to make a profession of religion, but soon father, mother, and two sisters followed him into the same church; the ice being cut for their baptism. He was early impressed with his call to labor for the Master's cause. He led the singing, and was active in the conference meetings, but this did not seem to satisfy him. He felt that he ought to preach, but he stifled his convictions. In 1850 he went to California, but not being satisfied, he embarked on a sailing vessel for Oregon. The voyage lasted almost a month. The officers, though without a pilot, and unacquainted with the Columbia river bar, determined to sail in. The wind failed at a critical time, and a heavy sea was fast sweeping the vessel on towards the breakers. Every one gave themselves up for lost. Blasphemers and reckless unbelievers cast themselves down and cried unto God for mercy. A Christian mother was the calmest of all that ship's company. Brother Hill was impressed that he was the Jonah, and that the coming disaster was his punishment for having failed to preach the Gospel. But the vessel got in and they escaped. He stayed in Oregon during the winter only and in the spring returned to California, overland, and having succeeded well in the mines and with his stock, he returned to "The States" by way of Panama; then prepared to come back to California in 1853, but was prevented by the death of his wife. Under this affliction he determined no longer to resist the call to preach, and in the fall of I 853 he entered William Jewell college to prepare himself for the work. But during the winter he became so interested in revival work that he concluded that it was a waste of time to continue longer at school. This he afterwards regretted as a great mistake.

On March 24, 1854, he was licensed by the Oak Grove church, Jackson county, Missouri, and the same day he married again, and in the evening preached his first sermon. That fall he was ordained by the same church. In 1857 he again brought his family to California, and in 1860, to Oregon, spending the winter with his father and preaching more or less to the churches within reach. In the spring he moved to Jackson county and preached two years for the Table Rock church. Then again to California, till the spring of 1865, when he went to the Idaho mines, where he preached considerably in the Boise valley. and afterwards at Silver City. In 1868 he returned to Oregon, remaining there until his death. He first settled at The Dalles, where he engaged in active work, taking the pastorate of The Dalles City church in June, 1870. He organized the first Baptist Sunday School in Wasco county. Whilst pastor here he baptized his three oldest children. In 1871 he traveled all over Eastern Oregon and the Willamette valley as agent for the American Bible Union; extensively introducing the revised Scriptures. In 1871-2 he preached a year under appointment of the A. B. H. M. Society. In 1873 he was appointed S. S. missionary of the Convention and served one year. In 1874 he moved his family to Salem, and engaged in mission work, being supported entirely by Deacon A. W. Kinney. In 1876 he was collecting agent for McMinnville college, and whilst on this work was enabled to preach in many destitute places. This was his last active work. A lung and throat difficulty, which had long troubled him, prostrated him on a bed of sickness in 1880, but he lingered until June 19, 1884, when he departed to be with Christ. In life he was faithful, in suffering patient, in death triumphant. He has three sons in the Baptist ministry; one in Tennessee; one, Rev. C. M. Hill, D. D., pastor of the Tenth Avenue Baptist church, Oakland, California; and one, Rev. G. W. Hill, missionary in Japan.


58. REV. DUREN P. BROOKS. 1850-1869

Rev. Duren P. Brooks was born in Michigan in 1832. His father started for Oregon in 1850, but died on the way. The wife and children came on and settled a few miles north of Brownsville. He professed religion in 1853, and united with the Pleasant Butte church, but afterwards concluded that he was not converted at the time. and was again baptized. In March, 1854, he married a daughter of Deacon Claibome Hill, who was also a sister of Rev. Sterling Hill, and she made him a happy home during the rest of his life. In 1868 he moved to Eastern Oregon and settled near Pilot Rock. He was licensed by the Mount Pleasant (Weston) church in 1869, and ordained by the Pioneer (Pilot Rock) church in March, 1873. He was pastor of this church for several years, and of other churches for shorter periods, and did a vast amount of pioneer work preaching in destitute places. He was an earnest, untiring worker, and died in the triumphs of a living faith, January 24, 1883.



Deacon Joseph Beezley was an active member in planting the Baptist Standard at The Dalles. He was one of the constituent members of the First Church. and ever after watched its progress with the deepest interest. He was born in Springfield, Ohio, in 1819; was reared in Illinois, where he professed religion in Cook county, in 1836. He came to Oregon in 1852, but did not identify himself with any church until he came to The Dalles in 1869, and began to labor for the interests just then beginning at that place. His particular interest in the cause has been manifested in the use of his means in that direction. At The Dalles he contributed $2200 towards the meeting house and its furnishings, besides $200 a year on the pastor's salary. At one time he gave $300 on a $1500 debt against McMinnville college. He and Deacon A. W. Kinney, of Salem, each gave $1000 towards the new college building, and Mrs. Beezley gave $100. Besides this, he gave several smaller sums of $100, $75, etc. His advanced age and feeble health afterwards impaired his activity somewhat, but his interest in Baptist work was unabated. He mourned the sad condition of affairs in The Dalles church, after its trouble, and although he had been compelled to move his membership to another church in the country because of it, yet, in July, 1887, he proposed that if matters could be reconciled. he would pay the entire debt of the church, amounting to several hundred dollars, and take a mortgage to cover the interest during his life, and at his death the note to be null and void. But the arrangement was not effected. He strove to consecrate himself and his all to the service of the Master. His benefactions were largely turned to the missionary work, and to assisting needy fields in Middle Oregon. Private charities also claimed his attention. He preferred direct giving, or, at most through his Association. He celebrated his golden wedding in April, 1892, and died on November 9th, following.



Rev. W. H. Pruett was one of the most successful Baptist ministers of Eastern Oregon. He was born in Missouri in 1844, and was brought to Oregon in 1847 by his father, Deacon J. H. Pruett, of whom a sketch has been given. Nearly all his relatives are Baptists. He professed religion in 1862 and united with the French Prairie church, but doubts of his conversion arising afterwards, he became satisfied that he had made a mistake, and in 1869 he was again baptized into the Friendship church of Washington Territory; this time being sure of the work of the Holy Spirit in his salvation. In the spring of 1870 he moved to the Alseya valley, and in December, was licensed by that church, and ordained July 29, 1871. Soon after he moved to Eastern Oregon and settled near Weston, where he resided until his death, July 29, 1902. Here he gave himself wholly to the work. As an evidence of his zeal, in seven weeks from the middle of July, he preached twenty-one sermons, supplied three churches and three out-stations, attended six prayer meetings, visited seventy-eight families religiously, baptized one, received into the church by letter and experience fourteen, organized two churches, traveled on horseback 526 miles, received from the people $30, and from the Mission Board $12. He preached mostly for the churches of the Mount Pleasant Association, seldom receiving over $100 to $150 a year for all his time, except two years, when he was in the employ of the Home Board at $300 from the Board, and $300 from the churches. The balance of the time he got little or nothing, and he says "his wife boarded him." He organized a number of churches, and built several meeting houses, and was one of the most influential and successful laborers in that new and needy field. He had a fair education, acquired at McMinnville. He boldly met and endured the privations and trials incident to a frontier life. and fully learned from experience what sacrifice for Christ means. He tells many exciting and thrilling incidents in connection with his work, and rejoices to know that God has signally preserved him in times of great peril, and also blessed his labors, Some of his stories so manifestly show God's wonderful watch care over him, that one or two are transcribed in nearly his own language.


"One time when preparing to go to my appointment, a neighbor came in, saying that he was much impressed to give me a pair of spurs. I told him that I had no use for them as my horse was free and full of life, but at his urgent request I wore them. My meeting was late, and I was until after night in returning. And it was so dark, that, except for an occasional light flash of lightning, I could not see my horse's ears from the saddle. But my horse knew the road, and trusting to his instinct to go home, I gave him the reins and felt no fear. Suddenly, something startled him, and a lightning flash showed a large heavy man grasping at the bridle rein. Instinctively I applied the spurs; the horse dashed past him snorting, and I leaned forward on my horse's neck, expecting a bullet to follow me, But none came, and I reached home safely. At my next meeting, I took my spurs, and hanging them on the horn of my saddle, some one stole them whilst I was preaching. And I have not had occasion to use a spur since."


"Just before the Indian outbreak in July, 1878. I was on my way to Heppner to preach. Crossing the Umatilla reservation, just before reaching the bluff, descending a short way from which is McKay creek. I met some 30 or 40 Indian warriors coming up the hill on to the plain of the reservation. As they came up the hill, they halted and turned their horses as if to be ready for me if I came up. They were all painted and looked savage. I assure you, every one had his gun, and they were evidently considering whether or not to kill me. One circumstance was in my favor. The Piutes, Bannocks, and Snake Indians were a little too far away to lay it on them; still they looked terribly bloodthirsty. Escape by flight was impossible; it was too far to succor. So I pushed forward, commanding all the boldness possible, but it was only in appearance, for I had no weapons, and I had no confidence in them at all, and made no calculations on escaping with my life. But I passed them unmolested. As I passed, one of them said: 'Tlosh Boston!' (Good Man). But I committed my care into the hands of God. And never, did I so fully realize the words of the psalmist, that 'The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them.' O, how my heart went out in gratitude to God for my deliverance! I was told by a gentleman who a short time afterwards was wounded by them, and who was acquainted with all their actions when on the war path, that when they first made the halt, it was doubtless their intention to kill me, but my appearing so bold, they feared to attack me. But it was the Lord who protected me."

In explanation of the Indian's remark (Tlosh Boston), the equivalent of 'Good Man,' it may be said that Brother Pruett was well known to the Indians and generally recognized by them as a good man; and a few months previous, an old squaw had come along nearly frozen and half starved, and Brother Pruett and his wife had taken her in and fed and cared for her until she had regained her strength, and went her way. Doubtless the Indians were aware of this. In later years, Brother Pruett was much troubled with laryngitis, and acute bronchitis, and was forced to resign his pastorates, and call in regular appointments. He lived on his place, and by his counsel and means tried to build up the cause he so much loved to the full extent of his ability. He superintended the Sunday School, and preached as health and opportunity permitted.



Rev. E. Curtiss was born in Genessee county, New York, in 1812. He was converted and baptized in 1830. He was ordained at Morgansville, N. Y., in 1826, and labored with marked success in New York and Michigan in 1869, under appointment of the A. B. H. M. Society. In 1871 he was appointed by the Society as general Missionary for Oregon and Washington Territory, and reached here early in the year. He stayed only about a year and a half, but in that time aided in organizing 16 churches, and in building and dedicating 8 houses of worship. He was compelled to resign on account of ill health and a failure of his voice. He did a good work in Oregon. He was fearless and outspoken, and on all disputed questions told unhesitatingly what was his position. Of course, on important questions, this made him unpopular with "the other side," especially as he was somewhat inclined to be blunt and dogmatic. But Brother Curtiss never courted popularity, and all admired his frankness, and admitted his ability as a sound, solid reasoner, naturally logical and liberally educated, he was one of the ablest Baptist ministers in Oregon, at a time when ability counted at its full value. He went back to Michigan, recovered his health, and preached at various points until about 1684-5, when he died at Burns, in that State.


62. REV. JESSEE B. JONES. 1853-69

Rev. Jessee B. Jones was born at White River, Indiana, in 1847, and came to Oregon with his father in 1853; his father settling in Marion county. He was converted in 1861; united with the North Palestine church in 1865; and was licensed by that church in 1869. About that time he moved to Spring valley, in Polk county, and in April, 1872, was ordained by that church, and was its pastor for about four or five years. He then preached five years and a half in the Eastern part of Clackamas and Multnomah counties, being supported in part by the Mission Board, and from the Failing Fund. He next went to Eastern Oregon, stopping near Olex, and preached at various places in that locality with fair success until I 887; then returned to the Willamette valley, stopping on French Prairie.

After this, he preached awhile for the French Prairie church, and irregularly in destitute places. He is zealous and earnest, and speaks with considerable energy. He has a fair education, obtained at McMinnville College, with average ability, uses good language generally well-connected, and occasionally shows quite a depth of thought. Of late, it is reported that he has gone into other business, and his preaching is nearly or quite abandoned.


63. DEACON ALBERT W. KINNEY. 1847-1871

Deacon A. W Kinney, eldest son of Hon. R. C. Kinney, noticed heretofore, inherited large wealth, as well as his father's consecration to the service of the Master. He was born in Muscatine, Iowa, in 1842; came with his parents to Oregon in 1847; was converted in 1859; and united with the Salem Baptist church in 1871 and was made one of its deacons. He was noted for his devotion to Christ, and for his lovely spirit. He conducted his business upon such principles of strict integrity, care, and wise business forethought, as to give him the unlimited confidence of everyone; and at the same time, upon such strictly Scriptural basis as to make his life seen among all classes as one of the humble, devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was neither over -reaching in his dealings, nor grasping in his aims, and his wealth was consecrated. He planned largely for missions and for education. But these were not all. He aided in private, as well as in public. His benefactions touched, invigorated, and blessed ministers and churches, missionaries, and destitute fields in many places, and in many cases unknown to human eyes, save to the recipients. And all done quietly and unostentatiously. To one poor minister, whilst he was saying good bye, he slipped a ten dollar gold piece into his hand with words of cheer and encouragement in his work. To another minister he gave in like manner, $5. He kept up a missionary and his family for a year alone. And he never told of it himself. But his words of cheer, and the influence of his example were more than money. In his will he left $2500 to McMinnville College, and a like sum, the interest of which was to be used for mission work. And large and heavy as his business was, he could leave it to attend the prayer and covenant meetings of the church. He was superintendent of the Sunday school, and loved the work. His loss, was, at the time perhaps the heaviest that could have fallen on the church at Salem, or to the denomination at large. The Mission board and the College trustees passed resolutions of regret and sympathy, but these could not supply the place of the living "Epistle." God took him for wise purposes of his own, and church and people could only bow in submission. He died January 1, 1881.



Rev. Russ was born of Baptist parents in Onondaga County, New York, in 1835. He had good educational advantages in New York, and also at Burlington University, Iowa; but says that he graduated "in the wilds of Oregon." He was converted in 1851, and united with the Baptist church in Manlius Village, N. Y. He was licensed by the Clear Creek church, Johnson county; Iowa, in 1861, and ordained by the Danville church, Des Moines county, April 16, 1862. Here was his first pastorate, and a revival meeting attended his first efforts, at which there were about 50 converts in 10 days, and nearly all remained steadfast. He preached for the church for about five or six years, and for some other important churches in Iowa and Illinois, but a desire to do missionary work in more needy and destitute fields impelled him to come to Oregon in 1872. Here he was appointed by the A. B. H. M. Society for Amity, and preached for the church, sometimes once a month, sometimes twice or three times a month, for about 15 years, but was helped by the society only the first year or two. He also preached for the McMinnville, Gervais and Forest Grove churches, his entire salary averaging from $400 to $500 a year for all his time. He filled several positions of importance in the denomination, and was three times called to the pastorate atTthe Dalles, but did not accept. He was an earnest, effective preacher, full of fire, and able to give most excellent sermons, often full of bright, original ideas, or old ideas so quaintly and graphically expressed as to have nearly the force of originality. He preferred the pastorate, and was excellent in revival. He went to his appointments, let what would interfere, except sickness. It was told of him that at one time, in going to his appointment in the winter, the ferryman at the Willamette river told him that he could not get out on the other side, because of a slough or bayou, but he insisted on crossing, and on reaching the bayou, his horse refusing to swim, he left the animal at a place on the island, swam over, carrying his clothes above the water, and walked nine miles to his appointment. He wears well, has an easy flow of correct language, and usually sticks to his topic. In 1887 he moved to the Rogue river valley, stopping at Medford, hoping to improve his health. He preached as he had opportunity for some of the churches, or in destitute places, and until almost the time of his death conducted a large Bible class, and did other Sunday school and church work. He was a warm friend of temperance, hostile to the use of tobacco, and was at one time a candidate for state senator on the Prohibition ticket for Yamhill county. A faithful man has gone to his reward. He died at Medford, Oregon, July 3, 1901, of peritonitis.


65. REV. A. R. MEDBURY. 1872

Rev. A. R. Medbury was born in Sekonk, Rhode Island, in 1837. He was converted in 1855, and baptized into the Third Baptist church of providence. In 1857, he went to California, and after six years of varied experiences in the mines, was licensed by the Baptist church at Sonora. Rev. J. T. Huff says that he "dug him out of the mines," and urged him forward in this work. Whether so or not, he was a nugget well worth digging out and polishing. He studied first, by private lessons, under Rev. D. B. Cheney, D. D.; then at the University of the Pacific; then again under Dr. Cheney, until 1867, when he was ordained by the First Baptist church of San Francisco. That fall he went to Massachusetts to attend the Newton Theological Seminary, and graduated in the class of 1870. He then returned to San Francisco, accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist church; served that church two years, and was then called to the First Baptist church of Portland, Oregon, arriving here in June, 1872. This pastorate was every way successful, the church greatly strengthened, which, through his ministrations, reached a highly influential position in the city, but in two years he resigned to accept a call to the Grand Avenue Baptist church of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For some 12 years or so he did grand work in Wisconsin and Illinois, when he again visited Oregon, and accepted the pastorate at Salem for a year, but again returned East. He had fine native and acquired abilities; was an eloquent man, a vigorous thinker, and a warm-hearted. earnest preacher. He possessed the best of executive and organizing ability, as well as a supreme love for his work. An entire consecration to Christ and His service made itself felt wherever he went.

66. REV. J. D. BONNER. 1872

Rev. J. D. Bonner was born in Kentucky in 1819. He was converted in 1836. uniting with the Rock Spring Baptist church in Warren county, Ky., moved to southwestern Missouri in 1837; was licensed in Barry county, Mo., in 1846; and ordained by the Mount Olive church in Madison county, Arkansas, in 1848. He preached for that church until 1850, when he moved to California, and was in the mines, moving from one place to another until 1872. when he came to Goose Lake and commenced preaching there. He was the first Baptist minister and organized the first Baptist church in all that section. He baptized the first candidate in Goose Lake, viz: L. E. Henderson, who has since become an efficient minister in that country. For 14 years he was pastor of the First Baptist church of Goose Lake, has often been the Moderator, and the general missionary of the Eastern Association of California and Oregon. Old age and "many infirmities" much interfered with his preaching in later life, but his interest was not abated, nor was he less anxious for the prosperity of Zion. His son in the Gospel, Rev. E. Henderson, has largely taken up and pushed forward the work commenced by Father Bonner.


67. DEACON R. R. EUBANKS. 1851-1872

Deacon R. R. Eubanks was born in Tennessee in 1810; came to Oregon in 1851; professed religion in 1872, and united with the Shiloh church. After his conversion his life was one of entire consecration to his Savior; so much so that he denied himself many necessities that he might give to the Lord. When converted, he gave everything he possessed to the Lord, and never regretted it. He often said that the Lord had done so much for him if he possessed the whole world he would give it all to the Lord. He was in full sympathy with all our denominational work, always in the lead in sustaining a pastor, and in addition to what he did in the general work, he did more than the others in building the meeting house at Turner, and his great sorrow at his death was that it was not completed, and he could do nothing

more. He gave about $1000 to the work, which was nearly all he had. The church raised $307 to compensate him in part, used for comforts in his last sickness, and his funeral expenses. The meeting house stands as a monument of his zeal and devotion to the cause of God. He died June 30, 1879, and the community lost a true friend, and the church one of its strong pillars. His death was joyous, triumphant. Without a family and without a home, the brethren delighted to care for him. and every attention. which Christian love could bestow, was freely given. Verily, he has gone to rest.


68. REV. J. T. HUFF. 1874

Rev. J. T. Huff was born in Seneca county. N. Y., in 1821. His ancestry and connection were Methodists and Dutch Reformed. He was educated at the Theological Seminary at Albion. N. Y. He was converted and united with the Baptist church at Cuba, Cataraugus county, N. Y. He was licensed by the Healdsburg church, California, in the spring of 1858, and the following fall he was ordained by the church at Clear Lake. On Sundays he preached from camp to camp in the mines, and in various parts of California; a part of the time under appointment of the A. B. H. M. Society. At Sacramento he had his right hand caught in some machinery , and lost his thumb and two first fingers, and the leaders and arteries of his left wrist severed, and came very near bleeding to death, but finally recovered. At Sonoma, he found and brought into service that grand man, Rev. A. R. Medbury.

In 1847, he accepted the pastorate of the Oregon City church, where he continued with great acceptance until 1878, when he resigned to travel as a general missionary of the Oregon Baptist State Convention. He was assigned to the northern and eastern portion of the field, and Brother Richardson took the Southern district. Whilst in this work, he visited British Columbia, organizing the church at New Westminster, and baptized the first candidate in Frazer river. He also went as far east as Boise City, and assisted in organizing the Idaho Association, the first Baptist Association in that territory, and spent some time preaching in Western Idaho and Eastern Oregon. In 1880, he returned, and was given an appointment in Washington county, Oregon; his wife also being appointed matron of the Indian school at Forest Grove. He labored here about a year and then went to Pendleton, where he continued about two years. In the fall of 1882, he was compelled to resign and take his wife to Southern California on account of her health. Sister Huff was one of the most efficient and active workers on this upper coast. She died in California, and her loss was severely felt wherever she was known. In about a year, Brother Huff returned and preached awhile for some of the suburban churches about Seattle. In the winter of 1885-6, he came back to the Willamette valley, and early in 1886 took charge of the churches at Shiloh, Stayton. Waldo Hills and French Prairie; and preached for them about two years.

But age was telling on him. His three score years and ten were counted. Infirmities were pressing their claims. He had grown old. His family were all gone. His little means provided for old age had failed him. His feeble strength forbade his working more. For two score years he had spent his energies for feeble frontier churches. For many years, as a missionary of the A. B. H. M. Society, he had learned what it meant to "rough it," but always with a hearty good will and a fervent devotion. Debt took his home; death took his family. Disappointments, sometimes very bitter, met him, but his trust was in God. And finally, in his extremity, God raised him up a friend in Deacon Espey, of Oysterville, Washington, who gave him a welcome home for several years, and then other brethren sent him to the Nugent Home for Aged Ministers, where, in company with others, who had also served their Master until their active life was ended, he is provided with a good home until called to the mansion prepared for him above. (Since writing this sketch word has been received that he has been called home.)


69. REV. LEWIS E. HENDERSON. 1864-1873

Rev. Lewis E. Henderson was born in Illinois in 1842; came to Oregon from Missouri in 1864, and to Goose Lake in 1871. He was converted in 1873, and baptized into the First Baptist church of Goose Lake at its organization in April, 1873, by Rev. J. D. Bonner. The next month the

church gave him a license, and ordained him in 1874 . He has since served several of the churches in that section as pastor, and has also been several times the missionary of the Eastern Association of California and Oregon. His salary has never exceeded $600 a year for all this time, and on this, and his wife's good management, has come the support of his family; a wife and seven children. He is a warm-hearted, zealous man, with his whole soul in his work, and beloved by both church and people. He has good ability, and is doing most excellent work all through that section of country .


71. REV. CHARLES. P. BAILEY. 1852-1875

Rev. C. P. Bailey is one of the most successful workers on the North Pacific Coast. He was born of Baptist parents, in Missouri in 1850. He had good advantages for education, but failed to improve them. He was brought to Oregon in 1852; was converted in Douglas county in 1873; and united with the Oakland church, being baptized by Rev. J. C. Richardson. He was licensed by the Bethel church, in Coos county , in 1875, and ordained by the same church March 12th, 1876.

The account of his struggles before entering the ministry is very interesting. For a year or two he rebelled. He made all sorts of excuses, and tried tests. He was poor, in debt, and had but little knowledge of the Bible. There were no professors of religion near him but his companion and the church. That section of country was filled with infidels, and a great number of back-sliders--once leading men in their denominations, but now worse than infidel scoffers. But God's Spirit followed him, and he had no rest until he entered the work, and by faith in God's promises he persevered. When he was attacked by infidel scoffers he would refer to his conversion, never failing to convince and silence them. Thus he went on until he was better able to meet their arguments. He preached at Sumner to one man and his wife {the only Christians) for over a year, but at last he saw a good church and Sunday school there, with several noble workers rallying to his aid.

Many interesting incidents occurred in his work at different times, and some are worth presenting.

At one time he started with his wife and two small children to cross Coos Bay to Marshfield--about three miles. The weather was rough, but he was an expert oarsman, and his wife also understood handling a boat, when about half way across, a heavy storm from the sea met the tide going out. His boat was a frail cockle shell, and the storm did not allow a sail to be set. He made the children lie flat in the boat. His wife managed the rudder, and, seizing the oars, he pulled for life. The rough sea threatened to swamp his boat every minute. Still it floated right side up. People on the shore watched anxiously, expecting to see him go down, but he landed safely, though both he and his wife were completely exhausted. The people praised his skill. He only praised God, and cannot be convinced that it was not God's interference with the waves and storm and His special gift of strength that brought him safely to shore.

At another time, a rough bully threatened to break up his meeting. Brother Bailey heard of it but never wavered. In the midst of his sermon the bully strode in half full of whiskey and marched up to the preacher, as if he intended to walk right over him. There was not a tremor in Brother Bailey's voice as he went on with his sermon, but there was a glitter in his eye that boded no good to the ruffian. When within a step or two, the rowdy saw his eye, and knowing Brother Bailey's previous reputation as a boxer, hesitated, muttered something, and walked away. Brother Bailey says, that had the ruffian made a threatening pass he would have knocked him down and then administered some righteous Gospel with his fist. One more incident:

He once accepted an invitation to spend the night with a man, who was a rough case, but who had a Christian wife. Like Brother Bailey, this man was also somewhat noted as a hunter, which, perhaps, accounted for the friendly feeling between them; and he also had a dog, which had helped him out of a good many tight places; especially once, when a bear had him in his clutches, and he had given up all hope. The savage attack of his dog had diverted the bear's attention and so saved him. Brother Bailey knew all this, and also that the attachment of an old hunter for his faithful dog is almost equal to that for his children; and used this as an argument for the old man's conversion. "Now," said Brother Bailey, at the close of a long conversation, "You will admit that it is a mighty mean man who won't care for his dog, and even fight for him, if necessary?" "Certainly, Parson, you're right thar!" was the reply. "Well, now, the Lord Jesus has done more for you than your dog has, and you are slighting him, and scorning him, and treating him shamefully!" "Hold on thar! Hold on Parson! You're wus'n the bar! Come now, it's bed time. Wife, get the Bible, and let the parson pray if he wants to! Guess '''twont hurt us much!" Brother Bailey prayed most earnestly for the man's immediate conversion; went to bed and fell asleep, firmly believing that his prayer would be answered. Towards morning, he was awakened by a noise, and entering the family room, found the man rejoicing. and his wife shouting. The arrow had gone home, and the man had not retired at all, but had been sitting reading his Bible and praying for mercy until he had found deliverance. They were a happy family that morning, and the man became an active worker in the church.

Brother Bailey had difficulties to contend with. He had to labor all the week in a logging camp, yet he preached every Sunday. One appointment was nine miles away, and he had to walk, as it was over a mountain trail, only for footmen. For more than a year he did this--walked the nine miles, preached and walked home, to be at his work early Monday morning, so his time for study was limited. This was his method of preparing his sermons: Every night he would write out several passages of Scripture on some topic, take them with him to his work, fasten them to the tree he was working at, commit them to memory and study their teachings and applications, praying for light from the Holy Spirit. And he had remarkable success, and this success follows him "He always has good meetings." And yet, he is outspoken in his views; a decided landmarker, and carried out his ideas if occasion demanded it. Of his churches in 1880, he says: "I am proud of my churches. They do not throw all the work on my shoulders, but like true soldiers, are moving forward with their weekly prayer meetings and Sunday schools. They have taken hold of the mission work, and also have a care for their pastors." That year he traveled on horseback 2059 miles, visited 177 families and preached 167 sermons and exhortations. His churches were poor and could not give him a full support, and he was as poor as they. At last the Mission Board extended a little help; $150 a year was allowed for him for awhile, and his churches helped him about $250 or $300 a year, and thus he was enabled to give all his time to the work. Brother Bailey's desires run into the evangelistic work. He continued to preach most acceptably all over the Coquille and Coos Bay countries until 1889, when he left to take up the work of a general missionary for the Middle Oregon Association. Here, his labors were also blessed. He organized two churches and baptized about 40 converts within a few months. He continued to labor in that capacity, and on that field until May 1, 1888, when he resigned to accept the pastorate of the First Baptist church at Dayton, Washington, where the Holy Spirit still blessed his labors.

Brother Bailey is everywhere in demand. As a missionary he does grand work. He is strong, sure and safe in his work, evangelistic in his preaching, and just the man needed in these times of general looseness on Bible doctrine, to meet the liberalists, so called, the Mormons with their pernicious teachings, and the doctrine of baptismal regeneration as held by many Pseudo-Baptists and Campbellites. He needs no puffs or laudatory heralding. He is a man of God and an able preacher. His sermons are pastoral, and he has great store of thrilling experiences in which he has personally witnessed the triumph of the Gospel over antagonizing forces of Satan. He makes no effort at oratory, yet his sermons sparkle with flashes of wit, and are full of anecdotes, and are rugged, strong, forcible and in the demonstration of the spirit. He preaches in a manly way, does clean work, uses no clap trap, always leaves his work in good condition, and believes that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and expects to see sinners converted. He is a simple, yet, in some respects, a powerful preacher. He can reach the masses and hold them. No matter what the weather, he always has a good audience and often a house crowded beyond its seating capacity. And yet he preaches only the plain, simple Gospel. One of our local papers thus speaks of him:

"No man in recent years has so captured the people of this place and community as Mr. C. P. Bailey, the well known evangelist now conducting a meeting in this city. In his earnest presentation of the Gospel of Christ, Mr. Bailey may be said to be a great preacher. A general awakening on religious matters is manifest throughout the town and community. Great crowds of people gather nightly at the church to take part in the services. A large number have been converted. Many are seriously interested. Surely the good people of this city have whereof to say, 'The Lord has done great things for us.'"

And Brother Bailey thus speaks of his work:

"I believe that the same Spirit that said 'Philip, Arise and go towards the south into the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza which is desert,' leads the true minister today. I always seek his guidance in my work. Last July the Spirit said 'Go to Mayville.' There were those who tried to persuade me from going, but I went. I found the people very busy, but I told them I had come to hold a meeting, and would preach every evening for one week at least. Some thought it was useless to do so, but I believed the Lord had a people there, so I pulled off my coat and went to work (the weather was so hot I could not keep my coat on) and praise the Lord, 21 were added to the church in less than three weeks. I shall never forget the hot days nor blessed meetings held at Mayville in harvest time. I know the Holy Spirit can work in summer as well as in winter. Another time, the Spirit said, 'Go to Silver Lake.' I did so, and although the people were very busy haying and gathering stock, we had a glorious meeting. In two weeks I7 were baptized, with many under conviction. I had to close on account of my own sickness. Another time I went to a country schoolhouse where they seldom heard a sermon. A young girl of 16 summers 'sparked' her 'fellow' during my sermon. Whilst doing my best a wagon went by, and she went to the door and looked out. Returning to her seat, she said, (loud enough for all to hear) 'It's only a wagon going by.' She had never attended church before. Many, were converted there. Among others, a very profane man. He got it good so he quit swearing. Some time after, a Jew said to me, 'Mr. Bailey, you did a good job on Mr.------ .He has quit swearing and drinking.' I told him that was the Lord's work. Just then one whom I had worked over, stepped into the store, and not seeing me, swore a great big oath. I said, 'There is some of my work. You see he has gone back to his idols. The Lord can change men and make new creatures of them.' I had a blessed meeting at Drewsey once, and though the place was noted for its wickedness, in 11 days some 30 were saved. Praise the Lord for His saving power. I find that when God's people have a mind to work, the Lord always blesses. I am never happier than when actively engaged in revival work. There are many places where Baptists have never been, and the way is open for us to enter in and take the field, but the laborers are few. Reader, pray for me, and the work in Eastern Oregon. I am glad we have several workers, good, faithful men, at different localities in Eastern Oregon, but we need a score more of faithful, earnest workers on this field. Brethren, when you read this, pray for this great field, and the man who has to spread over them all."


70. REV. E. P. WALTZ. 1875

Rev E. P. Waltz, one of the pioneer ministers of the Grande Ronde Association, was born in Missouri in 1841. He professed religion in 1857, uniting with the Long Branch church in Monroe county, which also ordained him, November 1, 1874. He came to Oregon in January, 1875 and was pastor of the Baker City church 11 years; at North Powder (Bethel) church, seven years; of Wingville, since 1875; and he preached for the Grande Ronde Association much of his time ever since his arrival; sometimes in the employ of the Mission Board of the Association, and sometimes under that of the Convention. He is a warm-hearted, earnest preacher, quite a revivalist, and has done very successful work, especially in Baker county. He has the full confidence both of the church and the community.


72. REV. CYRUS W. REES. 1876

Rev. Cyrus W. Rees, a son of Rev. William Rees, a prominent Baptist minister of Indiana, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, in 1828. He had two brothers, Baptist ministers; one in California, the other in Texas. He was converted and baptized into the Delphi Baptist church, Carroll county, Indiana, in 1845. He attended school at Franklin College, Indiana, and at Kalamazoo, Michigan, graduating at the latter in the class of 1855. He was licensed by the Lebanon church, in Lebanon county, Indiana, in 1850, and, ordained by the Macomb church, Macomb county, Michigan, November 15. 1855. He preached for a year for one of the churches in that vicinity, and then went to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he built a meeting house and baptized 60 converts. In 1859 he went to California and labored in the Eastern part of that state, and in Nevada for 15 years; about two years of the time under the A. B. H. M. Society. He built a meeting house at Petaluma, and is said to have been the first Baptist minister at Carson, Virginia City, Silver City, Dayton and Fort Churchill. In his section he organized more Baptist churches than any other Baptist missionary on the coast at that time. He also labored at Sacramento and Red Bluff, and helped to organize the Eastern Association of California and Oregon.

Whilst in this latter section, he relates the following incident: The country was but little settled, and sometimes he had to camp on his way to his appointments, so he went prepared. One night, while thus "camped," lying on the ground in his blankets, he was awakened by some disturbance of his team, and raising his head to look around, he saw, coiled up under his wagon, not more than six feet from where his head had been, an enormous rattlesnake with head up and tail a 'singing.' He thinks he never made such a jump in his life. In his fright, he could not readily find a club to kill the reptile, and it escaped.

He moved to Oregon in 1816, was pastor at Eugene two years, and from there went to The Dalles. Whilst here he experienced a heavy affliction in the death of his wife; truly a helpmeet for him in all his labors. She was a safe counselor, kind and genial. an instinctive reader of character, a Christian leader wherever she went. She died in triumph November 1, 1882. After preaching at The Dalles, he was pastor at Forest Grove and Hillsboro; organizing the latter church in 1884. In November, 1886, he went to Kittitas county, Washington, laboring there about two years. In April, 1888, he contracted a cold, resulting in an illness, which terminated his life June 16, 1888. His faith was strong, and his hope bright.

Brother Rees was a practical, logical speaker and preferred the pastorate. He was also quite a facile writer, and published several small works, noted for their terse and epigrammatic style. A church history was published in map form, which he claimed to be what an atlas is to a geography, and that it gave some important facts, and compared pure and corrupt Christianity down the centuries, giving clearer views of all, both scriptural and unscriptural churches, than can be found anywhere else in the same number of words. It was truly a work of much merit and value, both for its facts, and for its ease of comparison. He also prepared a work of nearly 400 Pesudo-Baptist concessions to Baptist principles, arranged denominationally. He was a good preacher and lecturer on reformatory subjects, and a number of his discourses on special subjects have been published. The following paragraph from his writings is worthy of study:

"The Baptist, a true Baptist, stands squarely on the whole New Testament. Every chapter and verse comes with divine authority, and is to be obeyed. He knows no non-essentials. Every line and word is a living, breathing, essential reality, because God is speaking. Hence. Baptists are the true leaders of the New Testament teaching and thought. As a denomination, we are driving the whole world to the teachings of the New Testament."



Rev. Andrew Brown was born of Presbyterian parents in Kentucky,

in 1822. He had only common school advantages. He was converted about Christmas, 1844, and united with the Brinzion Baptist church, St. Clair county, Missouri. He was licensed by the same church in 1846, and ordained

in 1847. Up to the time of his coming to Oregon in 1876, he preached for various churches in Missouri, Texas and Colorado, sometimes as a missionary of an Associational Board, and one year in Colorado, under appointment of the A.B. H. M. Society. In Oregon he has preached for the most of the churches of the Rogue River Association, and also traveled as the general missionary of that body, except an occasional year, he has never gotten more than half a support. He resides on Williams Creek, Josephine county, preaching mostly near his home, as the infirmities of age interfere with his going aboard. His zeal is unabated, and he still labors as much as he can for the prosperity of Zion.



The prosperity which attended the people of Oregon in 1866 still continued. But as improvement succeeded improvement, some of the early settlers, who had previously lived on the profits of their herds, began to be "crowded." Their attention was turned to the country east of the mountains. Those vast grassy plateaus were inviting. One after another ventured to take stock thither, and finding that ordinarily, success was reasonably certain, the hegira became a rush. As an additional stimulus, rich mines were discovered in the Blue mountains. This caused the rapid settlement of Eastern Oregon and Washington, and Northern and Western Idaho. There was, in many localities, much hardship and privation, the same as in the early settlement of Western Oregon; but supplies and help were near, and comparatively easy to obtain. Even though the facilities for transportation were at first wanting they were speedily multiplied, and it was not long until plenty and prosperity attended these newly settled districts.

Among these settlers were many Baptists. They had their Baptist peculiarities. As far as possible, they congregated together and organized churches. Their rough and unlettered ministers, full of zeal, spirituality, scripture, truth and the love of souls, carried the pure Gospel from house to house, and from hamlet to hamlet, and laid foundations upon which many men, more cultured, are glad to build. As at first, on the Western coast, so in the Eastern borders, toil, sacrifice and consecration were traits of the Baptist pioneers. The wilderness and the solitary places were made glad, for their coming brought salvation. The fruits of their sowing have been ever unfolding, and the field has been laden with a rich harvest. Many ministers from the Willamette valley have joined the laborers on these fields, and still they call for more workers. Some churches prospered; some dwindled and died, but there was substantial progress. To tell how the work was accomplished would be to repeat the early labors and struggles in the Willamette valley. It is much the same in all new countries. Even if there was some hasty work, or some mistakes, it would be unfair and unjust to affirm that in these cases much good was not accomplished. It by no means follows that because a church has died, it lived for naught. Possibly, it had a mission. That mission accomplished, it was scattered to work elsewhere; to work effectively.

Gospel extension in all its phases of missionary and colporteur work was often earnestly and prayerfully considered. With both preachers and laymen there appeared to be a general awakening to the importance of spreading the Gospel to the destitute. True, the work was mostly at home, but with the earnest calls for help from every side it could not well be otherwise. That "self-preservation is the first law of nature," is the dictate of common sense, and in no way at variance with the law of God. And if our lack of means prevented our sending the messenger for all his time, we could send him for half, or a fourth of his time, or even less time, according to our ability . Churches would, and did often, give half of their own services to some poor district, more needy than they. If the preacher could realize a trifle for his labor, he thanked God for the aid. If not, he went without pay, trusting in God for his reward. It was in this way that many, nay, nearly all of our early churches were built up and the word of God scattered over the land. An important point, or a favorable location was seized upon if possible, but the poor, out-of-the-way places were not neglected if they could be reached. "The poor had the Gospel preached to them." There were trials; there were difficulties. Questions of duty arose, but with God for their strength, and the love for souls for an incentive, they pressed forward, regardless of what might meet or befall them. Notwithstanding the trials or conflicts, the mistakes and apparent failures at times the churches, as a rule, neither forgot nor neglected their obligations to labor earnestly and zealously to maintain the truth, and to spread the glad tidings of God's love, and His providence seemed to indicate and open the way. With all their weakness and imperfections, they strove to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they were called. Harmony and union were becoming more marked. Old causes of strife were being avoided. New fields of labor and departments of usefulness were being opened; new plans and methods of work were being developed and tested, and all were fast becoming one people for the advancement of the Redeemer.